
Can you get the real meaning from this file.Download the file here.

Steps :

file with no extentsion got downloaded. lets try to see whats inside

╰─❯ mv 'Encryption Flag' Flag                                               
╰─❯ cat Flag                                                         

looks like a base 64, lets decode.

╰─❯ echo "YidkM0JxZGtwQlRYdHFhR3g2YUhsZmF6TnFlVGwzWVROclgyMHdNakV5TnpVNGZRPT0nCg==" | base64 -d

b'd3BqdkpBTXtqaGx6aHlfazNqeTl3YTNrX20wMjEyNzU4fQ=='?? looks like this have encrypted more than one time. lets decode again using base64

╰─❯ echo "b'd3BqdkpBTXtqaGx6aHlfazNqeTl3YTNrX20wMjEyNzU4fQ=='" | base64 -d                  ─╯
base64: stdin: (null): error decoding base64 input stream

thats a invalid base64 format :\ lets try removing b and '.

╰─❯ echo "d3BqdkpBTXtqaGx6aHlfazNqeTl3YTNrX20wMjEyNzU4fQ==" | base64 -d                     ─╯

wpjvJAM{jhlzhy_k3jy9wa3k_m0212758} this looks familiar as the FLAG. lets try to identify what cipher is this. Im using for this.

and i used rot Decrypter as the guess, and it worked :

FLAG :picoCTF{caesar_d3cr9pt3d_f0212758}