There is some interesting information hidden around this site Can you find it?
Steps :
inspect the html and u will find the first part of the flag picoCTF{t
next i went for the css file, at last there was a line saying / CSS makes the page look nice, and yes, it also has part of the flag. Here’s part 2: h4ts_4_l0 /, so part : h4ts_4_l0
next js file, and it says : / How can I keep Google from indexing my website? / , so basically this is giving a hint to check robots.txt.
robots.txt :
User-agent: *
Disallow: /index.html
# Part 3: t_0f_pl4c
# I think this is an apache server... can you Access the next flag?
next its giving an another hint, so i viewed the .htaccess, htaccess is* a configuration file for the Apache web server
# Part 4: 3s_2_lO0k
# I love making websites on my Mac, I can Store a lot of information there.
this hint is talking about mac .DS_Store file .DS_Store is a macOS metadata file that sometimes leaks directory contents.
Congrats! You completed the scavenger hunt. Part 5: _7a46d25d}
put them all together :
FLAG : picoCTF{th4ts_4_l0t_0f_*******}