What is RSS? (Really Simple Syndication)


  • RSS is a way to get the latest content from your favorite websites directly to you.
  • You can use RSS to subscribe to news sites, blogs, and podcasts.
  • You can also use it to automatically post content to your social media accounts.
  • To get started with RSS, you need an RSS reader.
  • Once you have an RSS reader, you can subscribe to your favorite websites.
  • When a website releases new content, it will go directly to your RSS reader.
import yaml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml_tree
# 1. Read YAML data
with open('feed.yaml', 'r') as file:
    yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
# 2. Create the root RSS element
rss_element = xml_tree.Element('rss', {
    'version': '2.0',
    'xmlns:itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd',
    'xmlns:content': 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'
# 3. Create the channel element
channel_element = xml_tree.SubElement(rss_element, 'channel')
# 4. Add the title from YAML data
xml_tree.SubElement(channel_element, 'title').text = yaml_data['title']
# 5. Create an ElementTree object and write to XML file
output_tree = xml_tree.ElementTree(rss_element)
output_tree.write('podcast.xml', encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)

This Python code reads data from a YAML file (feed.yaml), processes it, and generates an RSS 2.0 XML file (podcast.xml).


  1. Import Libraries:

    • yaml: Used for parsing YAML files.
    • xml.etree.ElementTree: A built-in Python library for working with XML data.
  2. Read YAML Data:

    • The with open(...) block opens the feed.yaml file in read mode ('r').
    • yaml.safe_load(file) reads the YAML content and parses it into a Python dictionary (yaml_data). safe_load is preferred over load for security reasons, preventing arbitrary code execution from malicious YAML.
  3. Create RSS Element:

    • xml_tree.Element('rss', ...) creates the root <rss> element.
    • The dictionary provides attributes for the element: version, xmlns:itunes (namespace for iTunes podcast metadata), and xmlns:content (namespace for content:encoded).
  4. Create Channel Element:

    • xml_tree.SubElement(rss_element, 'channel') adds a <channel> element as a child of the <rss> element.
  5. Add Title from YAML:

    • xml_tree.SubElement(channel_element, 'title') creates a <title> element inside the <channel>.
    • .text = yaml_data['title'] sets the text content of the <title> element to the value of the 'title' key from the yaml_data dictionary. This assumes your feed.yaml file has a title key.
  6. Create ElementTree and Write to XML:

    • output_tree = xml_tree.ElementTree(rss_element) creates an ElementTree object from the root <rss> element.
    • output_tree.write('podcast.xml', encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) writes the XML data to podcast.xml.
      • encoding='UTF-8' specifies the character encoding.
      • xml_declaration=True adds the XML declaration (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) at the beginning of the file.