Activity 3-1: Installing DNS Server
Open PowerShell: Open the PowerShell prompt and type date; ipconfig (two commands in one line). Press Enter. This command displays the current date and time, and then the network configuration of your server.
1.8 Add Roles and Features Wizard
Observe the tools being installed alongside the DNS server.
1.11 Confirmation Window
Capture the Confirmation window before clicking Install.
Activity 3-2: Installing Active Directory
PowerShell: Open PowerShell and type date; ipconfig /all. Press Enter
2.8 Add Roles and Features Wizard
Capture the wizard dialog box showing the tools to be installed with Active Directory.
2.11 Active Directory Domain Services Information
Read the information and answer the following question
ANSWER : Two Domain Controllers
2.15 Installation Progress
Capture the Installation progress window.
2.18 Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard
Capture the wizard with your domain name entered.
2.23 Paths Window
Record the default locations for the database, log files, and SYSVOL folder.
- Database folder: C:\Windows\NTDS
- Log files folder: C:\Windows\NTDS
- SYSVOL folder: C:\Windows\SYSVOL
2.25 Review Window
Capture the “View Script” output.
Activity 3-3 Manage OUs
PowerShell: Open PowerShell and type date; ipconfig /all.
3.3 New Object - Organizational Unit
Capture the dialog box with the OU name entered.
3.5 Right-click the newly created OU
3.16 Delegation of Control Wizard
Capture the wizard window reviewing the completed tasks.
Activity 3-4: Creating User Accounts in Active Directory
PowerShell: Open PowerShell and type date; ipconfig /all.
4.3 Users Folder
Observe the users and groups in the middle pane.
- User Accounts : 2
- Groups : 20
4.5 New Object - User
Pay attention to the automatically populated fields.
- Automatically completed : Full Name
- Not Automatically completed : Initials
4.9 New Object - User
Capture the wizard verifying the entered user information.
4.17 Rename User Dialog Box
Capture the dialog box showing the updated user details.
4.22 OU with Moved Account
Capture the OU containing the moved user account in the middle pane.