Since I am using a MacBook, I was unable to follow the exact procedure outlined in the lab instructions and had to adapt the steps to accommodate my system’s compatibility requirements.
I had to adapt the lab steps by installing QEMU to emulate the Metasploitable virtual machine, ensuring compatibility with my environment.
Installing Metasploitable
You need to have installed two tools:
- UTM, that is a Virtual Machine engine (emulizer) that runs on arm based chips
- Homebrew, Mac Package Manager
Install UTM
~ run this on terminal
Install Mac Developer Pack
After the installation you should be able to run the brew
command. If you run brew doctor
you should get Your system is ready to brew
Download the Metasploitable 2
Next step is to convert the VirtualBox image format .vmdk, into a format that UTM understands. For that we need to install qemu (used by UTM behind the scenes) using brew