Since I am using a MacBook, I was unable to follow the exact procedure outlined in the lab instructions and had to adapt the steps to accommodate my system’s compatibility requirements. 

I had to adapt the lab steps by installing QEMU to emulate the Metasploitable virtual machine, ensuring compatibility with my environment.

Installing Metasploitable


You need to have installed two tools:

  1. UTM, that is a Virtual Machine engine (emulizer) that runs on arm based chips
  2. Homebrew, Mac Package Manager

Install UTM


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

~ run this on terminal

Install Mac Developer Pack

xcode-select --install

After the installation you should be able to run the brew command. If you run brew doctor you should get Your system is ready to brew.

Download the Metasploitable 2

Next step is to convert the VirtualBox image format .vmdk, into a format that UTM understands. For that we need to install qemu (used by UTM behind the scenes) using brew

qemu-img convert -O qcow2 Metasploitable.vmdk Metasploitable.qcow2 

Install Kali-Linux

Excercise 1.3 – Checking Connectivity between Kali & Metasploitable