The basics

Address Space


  • Address Space: All memory locations that a program can refer to.
  • Virtual Address: Addresses in process’ address space
  • Physical Address: The actual address in real memory (RAM) where data is stored.
  • Translation: The process of converting virtual addresses to physical addresses.

Memory Management Concepts

  • Main Point: Memory management is crucial for sharing memory between multiple programs (processes) that are running on the computer.
  • Make it easy for programs to find memory space.
  • Reduce wasted memory space (maximizing utilization).

Memory Management Responsibilities

  • Memory Tracking: Keep track of memory usage
  • Allocation and Deallocation: Allocate memory space to programs when they need it and reclaim it when they are finished.
  • Sharing: Ensure that memory is shared efficiently among multiple processes.

Memory Management

  • The memory manager is responsible for managing memory usage, allocation, and deallocation.

Physical and Logical Memory

  • Physical Address: The address seen by the memory unit.
  • Logical Address: The address used/generate by the CPU.
  • Memory Management Unit (MMU): A hardware component that translates between logical and physical addresses.

Base and Limit Registers

  • Purpose: To protect memory , Define the logical address space
  • How They Work: A pair of base and limit registers define the allowed memory range for a program.
  • Hardware Protection: The CPU checks every memory access by a program to ensure it’s within the defined limits, preventing programs from accidentally accessing memory belonging to other programs.

Address Binding

  • Main Point: The process of connecting virtual addresses (used by a program) to physical addresses (in real memory).

  • Binding Stages:

    • Compilation Time: Addresses are symbolic (e.g., variable names) during compilation
    • Load Time: When a program is loaded into memory, addresses are assigned.
    • Execution Time: The CPU uses physical addresses to access data during execution.

Address Binding Example

  • Programs reside on disk as executable files.
  • Upon execution, they are loaded into memory.
  • Initial physical address of the first process: 0x0000.


  • Main Point: A technique to move processes between main memory (RAM) and secondary storage (e.g., hard drive).

  • Purpose:

    • To free up memory for other processes.
    • To allow for more processes to be run than fit in memory at once.

~schematic view of swapping

Memory Management Techniques

  • Overlays: A method for managing programs larger than available memory.
  • Memory Partitioning: Dividing memory into sections to allocate space for processes.


  • Main Point: A way to manage large programs that are too big to fit in physical memory at once.

  • How It Works:  Only the needed data is loaded, and as the program progresses, data is swapped in and out based on its needs.

  • User Management: Overlays are typically managed by the user program, not the operating system.

  • Challenges:

    • If the entire program and its data need to be in memory for execution, overlays limit program size.
    • The programmer needs to design the overlay structure, which can be complex.

Single tasking with Overlay

  • Main Point: Uses overlays in a single-tasking environment (only one program runs at a time).

  • How it Works:

    • A single program is loaded into memory in parts (overlays).
    • This enables the execution of larger programs in limited memory.
  • Disadvantage: A process cannot take advantage of more available memory if it’s already running in overlays because the overlay structure is defined for a specific amount of memory.

Memory Partitioning

  • Main Point: Dividing memory into sections to allocate space to processes. This is a common technique for managing multiple processes.

  • Types:

    • Fixed Partitioning: Memory is divided into fixed-sized partitions.
    • Variable Partitioning: Memory is divided based on the requirements of each process.

Memory Partitioning - Fixed

  • Each partition may contain exactly one process
  • The degree of multiprogramming is bound by the number of partitions
  • When a partition is free, a process is selected from the input queue and is loaded into the free partition
  • when a process terminates, the partition becomes  available for another process

Memory Partitioning - Variable

  • Description: The memory is divided into sections based on the size of each process. This allows for more flexible memory allocation.

  • How it Works: When a process arrives, the OS searches for a large enough space in memory.

  • loads the process wherever the memory space is available using first fit, best fit or worst fit algorithms

  • Memory Allocation: Common algorithms for variable partitioning:

    • First Fit: Allocates the first free space that is big enough.
    • Best Fit: Allocates the smallest free space that can accommodate the process.
    • Worst Fit: Allocates the largest free space.


  • Main Point: Memory partitioning can lead to fragmentation, which is wasted memory space.

  • Types:

    • Internal Fragmentation:(in FIXED Partitioning) Wasted space within an allocated partition.
    • External Fragmentation: (in VARIABLE Partitioning) Wasted space that is too small to allocate to new processes.

Solution for External Fragmentation

Compaction, A technique used to resolve external fragmentation by compacting (moving) free space together into larger block.

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