Using Pi Imager flash the SD card with OS, config settings like SSH (must).and config WiFi network and give a hostname
SSH into Kali-Pi
login to your wifi admin pannel, mine is most prolly you can access that via (DYOR). then go to connected devices/ wireless devices and get the pi IP. cuz u cant use hostname for now. then ssh into the device
then enter the password and continue.
Enable mDNS to use hostname
it is much easier if we can use hostname to log into kali as ip changes everytime it connect to wifi. so we can install avahi for that.
verify is avahi running by :
install VNC server and setup (headless setup)
install the VNC server, Kali comes preinstalled with tightvncserver as the default VNC server. If it’s not installed, install it:
Set the VNC Password
You will be prompted to enter and confirm a password.
This password will be used to connect to the VNC server.
press n for view only
start the vnc server
Make VNC Server start at boot
Specify the Resolution When Starting VNC
TightVNC allows you to specify the resolution when starting the server. Use the -geometry option to set your desired resolution.