Built-In Superglobal Variables in PHP

Superglobal variables in PHP are built-in variables that are always accessible, regardless of the scope (inside or outside of functions). They are automatically populated and can be used to collect data from forms, sessions, cookies, URLs, and the server itself.

  1. $_GET[]
  • Collects data sent via the URL using a query string (e.g., after the β€œ?” in a URL.
// URL: example.com?name=John
$name = $_GET['name']; // "John"
  • Use case: Sending data via URL for actions like search queries or passing parameters between pages.
  1. $_POST[]
  • Collects data sent via an HTML form using the POST method.
// Assuming a form field with name="username"
$username = $_POST['username']; // "JohnDoe"
  • Use case: Securely sending sensitive data like login credentials, as POST doesn’t append data to the URL.
  1. $_REQUEST[]
  • Can collect data from both GET and POST methods.
$search = $_REQUEST['search']; // Works for both GET and POST
  • Use case: Flexible data retrieval, allowing you to fetch data regardless of whether it was sent via GET or POST.
  1. $_FILES[]
  • Handles file uploads in forms
$file = $_FILES['fileToUpload']['name'];


Data VisibilityAppends data to the URL and is visibleData is sent in the request body and is hidden
Data LengthLimited by URL length (typically 2048 characters)No restrictions on data length (large data can be sent)
Use CaseUsed for retrieving data (e.g., search queries)Used for sending sensitive data (e.g., forms, file uploads)
Browser HistoryData is saved in browser historyData is not saved in browser history
BookmarkableCan be bookmarkedCannot be bookmarked
SecurityLess secure (data visible in URL)More secure (data is not visible in the URL)
Data ResubmissionCan be resubmitted (via refresh)Cannot be easily resubmitted without a warning
CachingCached by browsersNot cached by browsers

Handling Form Data Exercise 01

Create a HTML page with a hyperlink to send the following data to the server. Create a PHP page to access this data.

<a href="./data.php?userid=4&username=neo&status=true">Send data to server</a>
<!-- index.html -->
echo "User ID : ", $_GET['userid'],"<br>";
echo "Username : ", $_GET['username'],"<br>";
echo "Status : ", $_GET['status'],"<br>";
// data.php